Migraine Management – A Complete Guide
Migraine is a neurological health condition that causes intense headaches. They occur in episodes when exposed to specific stimuli. Common triggers include loud sounds, fatigue, weather changes, and bright lights. Though the precise cause is unknown, it is clear that the propensity to get migraines and even the particular triggers can be transferred through heredity from parents. The following is a comprehensive account of foods and smells that trigger migraine and cities that are particularly problematic migraine hotspots. Foods that trigger migraines Food and beverages can provoke migraines on their own, as well as in combination with other triggers. Combinations and triggers are highly individualized; thus, there are no universal triggers. However, some foods are more common detonators than others and are listed below, so you can watch out for them. Always consult a doctor about food modifications to ascertain what affects you and what does not. Foods with MSG Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, exists naturally in the body but is also present in certain foods. Though safe to eat in minute proportions and widely used as a food additive, these might activate migraine attacks. Other food preservatives may also cause migraines. Aged cheeses Aged cheeses like feta, blue cheese, and Parmesan all contain a compound called tyramine. It causes the breakdown of proteins as the cheese ages; hence, the older the cheese, higher is the tyramine content. This compound is known to trigger migraines and headaches in some people. Spicy foods Though spicy food can be good for your health when consumed now and then and does wonders for a sinus headache, it can be problematic if you suffer from migraines. Chilli peppers are particularly detrimental when compared to other spicy ingredients. Spicy food activates TRP pain receptors, and individuals with a high risk of migraines have sensitive receptors.
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